Your Impact

When you support the Archdiocese of Chicago, you ensure that our mission is carried out in the following key areas:

Parish Support

Our ability to answer the call to spiritual renewal and the inspirations of the Holy Spirit are woven into the fabric of our archdiocese.

Through your support of our parishes, the Archdiocese of Chicago is responding with fresh energy to the Lord’s call to transform the world.

Watch the video to see your support in action in local parishes.

Catholic Education

Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic schools educate the next generation of Catholics by providing an educational experience grounded in faith and academic excellence.

Your support of the Archdiocese of Chicago helps Catholic schools provide excellence in faith-based education, as well as social and emotional support during a challenging time.

Watch the video to see your support in action in Catholic schools.

Ministry Support

Parish-based ministries, like the Immigrant and Refugee Ministry at Old St. Patrick’s Church, provide compassionate solutions for meeting the basic needs of families who have faced hardships.

When you support the Archdiocese of Chicago, you turn the hope of a welcoming and safe home into a reality for newcomers to our community.

Watch the video to see your support in action in parish-based ministries.

Helping Families In Need

Volunteers from seven South Suburban parishes have come together to build homes for Habitat for Humanity, fulfilling a vision first inspired by former St. George pastor Ken Fleck.

Your support of the Archdiocese of Chicago helps to mobilize and unite our parishes, living the Gospel is practical ways.

Watch the video to see your support in action in parish-based ministries.

Serving Chicago’s Migrant Children

For his Eagle Scout Service Project, Harrison Mellon wanted to do something personally meaningful—something that would make a real difference. 

When you support the Archdiocese of Chicago, you empower young Catholics to put their faith into action.

Watch the video to see your support in action in Catholic schools.

Loving Girls Across the World

At St. Mary of Vernon, volunteers are sewing dresses for girls in developing countries, creating over 1,200 dresses annually.

Your support allows local parishes to send the love of Christ around the world through simple acts of kindness.

Watch the video to see your support in action in parish-based ministries.

Ministry for Catholic Deaf Adults

St. Francis Borgia Parish is a place where Deaf Catholics feel truly at home, empowered, and embraced as the majority within their faith community.

When you support the Archdiocese of Chicago, you help to create parishes where all Catholics feel at home.

Watch the video to see your support in action in local parishes.

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“The archdiocese is an integral part of the fabric of this city. Many thousands of Chicagoans — Catholic or not — are touched by the archdiocese every day. The Catholic Church assists people with issues around food insecurity, housing, healthcare, education and safety.”

Jay Tremblay, parishioner

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