Supporters Like You Make All the Difference
“Not only does (giving) make me feel good, but it gives those parishes in need the ability to do renovations, provide scholarship assistance or stock their food pantries. I don’t do it for the recognition; I do it because it’s the right thing to do.”
—Dr. Sabrina Renee Kendrick
Supporters Like You Make All the Difference
“Not only does (giving) make me feel good, but it gives those parishes in need the ability to do renovations, provide scholarship assistance or stock their food pantries. I don’t do it for the recognition; I do it because it’s the right thing to do.”
—Dr. Sabrina Renee Kendrick
We mean it when we say that without supporters like you, none of our work is possible. That’s why we have created this website to help you follow your impact with the Archdiocese of Chicago and learn more about how to partner with us to bring Christ to the world through spiritual renewal, academic excellence rooted in our Catholic faith and parish-based outreach ministries to the more than 2 million Catholics and community members who reside in Cook and Lake counties.
How You Support Our Work

Parish Support
When a local parish desperately needed updated accessible facilities for disabled parishioners, the Archdiocese of Chicago funded the repairs. Your donations help sustain parish programs and facilities.

Catholic Education
Donations provide scholarships to students with financial need and allow them to continue growing their faith in the classroom and receiving a quality education.

Ministry Support
We provide opportunities for parishes to put faith into action through ministry outreach. It’s through our ministries that we encourage our communities to deepen their faith in Christ.